So, I've been waiting for what seems like forever to post about expecting a little one and I finally get to because today I am officially 12 weeks along! This is a great shot I got at my Dr's appointment yesterday! I think I have told almost everyone who reads my blog, and if I haven't told you, I sure tired to get in touch to let you know what was going on!
Everything looked great (as far as we can tell at this point in the pregnancy), so I am hopeful and excited! These first weeks have been a bit stressful for me, so I am trying to stop the worrying process, and just be thankful for how things are right now. I do think I will feel MUCH better after we get past the 20 week mark...but hey only 8 more weeks/two more months to go on that one! I will keep you updated on the progress. We're just praying that everything continues to develop in a healthy way!
My doc is so wonderful! He knows how stressful this is (and sometimes I wonder if it is a bit stressful for him!) for me and so yesterday when I went in for my appointment, he started it off by wheeling in the ultrasound machine and saying, "Hi, we have to do this first because I kinda stole it and need to get it back!" I was super thankful b/c normally you don't get ultrasounds every time you go in. He said for the first half of my pregnancy, we would just check because he knew it would make me feel so much better. He's right, it does! Yay for a kind doctor! I mean I appreciate him so much it has crossed my mind to name a son born to us after him but Brian thought that might be a bit weird...and he's probably right. :)
I was so glad to see our little one kicking feet and waving arms and moving all over the place! It's funny to see our baby move so much b/c I can't feel any of it yet. It is very reassuring when you can feel the baby b/c then you know, hey everything's still normal in there, so I will be excited when I feel the baby move in the future!
So, that's our big news! I am just barely starting to show, which is fun, and the nausea has recently lifted, so that is a nice bonus as well! I'm about to enter the second trimester, so all looks good! PHEW!
Four Patch Quilt in a Day! Plus Quilting with Stencils
11 months ago
Love you so much and am overflowing with happiness for you!
Hey, I got your letter this week, and I am so happy for you! I sent you a little something in the mail. Yea!
So exciting friend!I can't wait to see you this weekend!
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