So I was just having this dream. (I woke up because: a- I had to use the restroom, b- Creighton then started kicking, and finally c-I was hungry. So I am currently eating some cereal and writing...)
In my dream it was the first day of school and I was talking to my kids about how we line up in the classroom and how we walk in the hallway (to make sure I was super clear to them about expectations). When I was reminding the class to give me their attention, I bent over a tiny bit, and touched a kiddo on the hand to get his undivided attention. When I did that, I saw a flash of light and I fainted. Of course in my dream, I came around really quickly and decided that I needed to go to the nurse since I am pregnant and all in the dream. I told the class, through tears that I was fine, but I needed to go to the nurse. So, I handed my kids off to a para-pro who magically appeared in my classroom, and headed to the nurse alone. I got there and she had a chemo patient checking in with her, (?) along with the patients two vicious cats. Seriously- the cats started biting me and everything! I had to dash out of her office even though I was just recovering from fainting. Finally the cats and the patient left, and I went in to see the nurse.
She kind of dismissed me and had me take a tums and drink some water. I asked her, "Don't you at least think I should call my doctor and tell him what happened?" She didn't, so I resolved that I could tell him at my upcoming appointment. I was trudging back to my room (which I got to via a large mall...I know random- a dream), when I ran into my dog daisy who was loose. I hooked her onto a lease that materialized in my pocket and we started to walk home so that I could put her away. About halfway home, I realized that I would never be able to pick my kids up from lunch in time if I took Daisy home, so I turned around with Daisy and she was not cooperating, so I picked her up and tucked her nicely in my backpack and headed back to my classroom. I let Daisy out in my classroom, looked at my new watch and saw that I had only 5 minutes to figure out where to put Daisy and to pick up my kids in time. I started to freak out internally thinking, "I can't do this, it is going to set such bad expectations for me to be late on the first day of school to pick up the kids- I mean wow- I already fainted AND cried in front of them...great, now I'm going to be late too!"
At that moment the funniest thing happened in my dream- I mean this has never happened to me, and is the whole point of this blog.
In my dream, I said to myself- "Hey Laura, this is a dream- you can make it do whatever you want!"
So, I then stopped time, made a run for Daisy appear in our school playground, took her down with me and dropped her safely off. (She healed without a leash the entire time and for those of you who know Daisy, she does NOT do that!) I then walked into school, had a spritz of perfume hit me as I walked through the door to freshen me up, and picked up the kids perfectly on time. I also felt wonderful- no effect from the previous fainting spell!
CRAZY! It just cracked me up when I woke up that I told myself in the dream- hey make it end how you want to! Just thought I would type this random story up- maybe something like this has happened to you in a dream? Where you felt like you could control it? Let me know!
Four Patch Quilt in a Day! Plus Quilting with Stencils
11 months ago
Two things that I find particularly ridiculous/Laura (you):
1. You tucked Daisy into a backpack?! And walked with her on your back?
2. Of course there would be some perfume available to spritz :) Only you would think that is a necessity!
Miss you!
Hahaha, I laughed at tucking Daisy in your backpack too...and the perfume.
<3 you!
Yay, glad it made you guys laugh! It's totally a story I would have told you in the morning when we lived with each other! In fact, as I wrote it this morning I thought about running down the stairs in our apt and probably waking Laura on my way to tell you guys! I can't wait to see you both sometime!
I can remember telling myself to "wake up" in a scary dream before. It didn't work at first, I had to tell myself several times; it took my mind a little to make the connection.
"Spritz of perfume" as you walked in the door, eh? HA!
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