Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Awww, Bless your heart hon." -Baylor Representative basically trying to sell me a husband

*Sirena recently posted a link to our Singletons of 211 community blog that we started back around Senior year of college.  That would make it 2003/2004 when we started it.  This blog entry is one that I posted post-graduation when we were still keeping up with the blog from our various cities.  I sat down and read like oh the ENTIRE archived blog this evening and laughed outloud MANY times.  This post was just too about PRESSURE to get married/couple up!

Posted by me on 10.24.2005

Actual convo. with a Baylor Representative
I had this phone converstion this past Sunday afternoon
Baylor rep: "Hi Laura, we're just calling to check in and see how life after college is going."

Me: Great :) Thanks for calling.

Baylor rep: So, are you still in the Austin Area, lets check your address

Me: Ok

- we check address/contact info, then oh so casually thrown in is the following:
Baylor rep: So are you still enjoying teaching?

me: yes, very much so, it's a great job

Baylor rep: Still with Leander ISD?

Me: yes, great district

Baylor rep: Are you still teaching first grade?

Me: I sure am

Baylor rep: So, have you had a chance to get married since you've graduated?

Me: No, I haven't (thinking in my they must do some sort of statistical average- % ring by spring, % first year after college, % post first year out)

Baylor rep: Aww, bless your heart

Me: stunned silence

Baylor rep: Well laura, we're putting together a directory for all of the recent baylor grads...blah blah blah, coffee table quality directory...blah, blah, only 69.99 if you act today...only twenty dollars more if you want the cd-rom to go with it...blah blah blah

Me: I don't really need a directory, but thanks so much for offering.

Baylor Rep: Well let me give you the number for when you change your mind.

I "copy down" the number

Baylor rep: So Laura, is this your only contact number

Me: yes

Baylor rep: Ok laura, so have you had a chance to get engaged yet?


Me: No, I sure haven't

Baylor Rep: Oh, bless your heart hon. Well, you have the number

Me: yep, thanks, have a good day

Baylor Rep: you too hon, thanks now, bye.

Me: bye
So...they really must keep tabs...neat...sic 'em bears
lol, bundy


"L" said...

Do you still have that number? Maybe you should call her and let her know engaged: check, married: check, bun in the oven: check, Heart's been blessed: check.

Laura said...

lol...I had totally forgotten about that follow up from Baylor. I went told Brian about it and he was like...yeah, I remember when it originally happened and you told me about it b/c you were ticked!

Amanda said...

WOW. I've had awkward conversations along those same lines, but that's a new one. Talk about alumni relations... :)