Just so very thankful to be in the 38th week of this pregnancy with Creighton. What an amazing gift from God! I'm doing some serious thinking about all that has led up to this point, and I can genuinely say that everything that has happened, I am thankful for experiencing. What anticipation I am feeling right now! I can't wait to blog more about what I'm processing, but I've got to process a bit more before I can get it out right. I just know that God is so completely love- so good and faithful- in the midst of being filled over to the brim with joy and in the midst of extreme pain. I am so thankful that I get to serve God, and want to be more concious of my endeavors toward that end.
More to come...
Four Patch Quilt in a Day! Plus Quilting with Stencils
11 months ago
aw, and your thankfulness to God just beams through to me reading it just now=)
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