Wow, how have I let the blog slide for soooo long? Maybe it has a little something to do with this cute 4 month old baby boy I have?! I've made a resolution to blog at least once a month, although I would like it to be more, I've learned to start out with a reachable goal and work your way forward from there!
So many things have been going on!
Creighton is growing like CRAZY! He is so wonderful and his sweet little personality is really starting to come out more and more- love it! He's usually pretty happy and smiley when he wakes up in the morning, and I love the time we have together before I go into work at 11:30. For the record, working half-days has really turned out to be lovely. I had some apprehension about it all, but now that I'm doing it, I'm quite happy with it. It just feels like Creighton is taking a long nap...and I just happen to be working during his long nap! Kelly is keeping him while I'm at work and she is so AWESOME with him, it really helps knowing that he is in great hands!
Creighton is also a bit of a night owl. He likes to stay up until about 10 or 10:30 and he sleeps in until about 8 or so. He is still waking up at least once in the night, but it really doesn't stress me out. It just is what it is :) Creighton is working really hard on learning how to roll over and he is creeping around getting closer and closer to crawling! He's smiling and laughing lots lately and is pretty laid back as long as he isn't hungry or sporting a dirty diaper.
Here are some "watch me grow" shots of Creighton:
Four Patch Quilt in a Day! Plus Quilting with Stencils
11 months ago
friend, he is growing up so fast!! i love seeing all the pictures of him and i can't wait to see him in august! xoxo
We can't wait to see you Tia Rena! ;)
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