I had my 30 week check up today with Gretchen (she sees me every other time or so) and she is this lovely grandmotherly type woman who was very kind today. She told me not to stress about gaining 3 lbs in 2 weeks, but just be careful since Creighton is about to start growing like mad. (Seriously- 3 LBS in 14 days?!!! UGH!) She also was kind enough to tell me that it looked like I was gaining all the weight right where Creighton is, so I guess that is good. I did confess that it was not the only place I had gained weight, but she seemed unfazed. Sometimes it's nice to have some female empathy. :) I did however walk a brisk 30 minutes with Daisy today and pushed through when I started to get the lovely Braxton-Hicks (Sp?) contraction deals...thankfully they just hit at the end.
All was well with Creighton- he had a strong heartbeat of 152 bpm...which Gretchen told me meant he was either quite excited over the breakfast I had eaten or he was still hungry...I went with excited, but later ate a spoonful of pb just in case he was actually hungry.
I also decided to share with Gretchen the entire story of how I had a recent panic filled dream. Why I feel that I need to share the WHOLE story with people, I am not sure, but I do think part of me was gauging her response to see how normal dreams like mine were. She didn't act like I was crazy, so I took that as a good sign. :)
My dream was- in a nutshell- that I had just delivered Creighton, but the doctor was not Russ, instead it was some chick who did not care at all and the nurses had taken Creighton out right away after he was born and they would not tell me what was wrong. Finally I basically demanded that they tell me what was going on and all they would say was "Something's wrong with him- he's too small." At which point, I began to have major trouble breathing in my dream...we're talking gasping for breath repeatedly. I then (in reality) woke up from my dream gasping for air and crying. Brian woke up and told me what I was telling myself- it was only a dream and helped me calm down, which I did after a few minutes, but still- that dream was not pleasant.
Gretchen gave me all sorts of reasons that I might have dreamed that and told me it was pretty normal. All in all, a good little visit.
After that I came home and I started experimenting with some new free-motion quilting. My aunt sent me a website where this lady is designing a new free motion quilting design a day for a year. Today I tried one and it turned out ok for a first attempt. I'll continue to work on it though! Here's the link to her blog if you are interested: http://freemotionquilting.blogspot.com/ I feel inspired after searching through her ideas. I could totally come up with my own ideas I'm sure! I just need to get on it! Um...and improve my skills!
That's it for now. Will post more later this week on last weekend's trip to Wimberley!
Four Patch Quilt in a Day! Plus Quilting with Stencils
11 months ago
I just watched her little video on making wheat. That is so neat! I love that you quilt. What's the pattern you're going with or did you decide to do freehand?
I can't believe it's almost here friend! And you are quilting! yay! :)
Borrego- I tried Sea Oats, but I changed it. Here's Leah's version http://freemotionquilting.blogspot.com/2009/09/day-42-sea-oats.html I changed it a bit by letting the "oat" part turn both to the left and to the right. I'm going to try it again but strictly Leah's way. I'm not so good at the traveling back over old lines yet. I need to practice, but I think it will come!
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