I was sitting on the couch thinking all of these thankful thoughts and so I decided to share.
I'm thankful that today I started my day out with a brisk walk with Daisy and Holly. Exercise is always more pleasant when it is done with a friend!
I'm thankful for the woman at Dillard’s today who saw me looking longingly at a super cute fitted Kensie dress and said, "Don't worry, you'll get back into those clothes soon enough!" I am also thankful for the associate who did NOT make me feel dumb when I had to walk up to her at the jewelry counter with a ring box attached to my ring finger b/c I couldn't get the fake wedding ring I was trying on off. (My fingers are too large to comfortably wear my wedding rings now...no ankle swelling but my fingers have gone up a half size or so depending on the weather.) The associate was kind enough to give me some lotion and tell me not to worry, the rings would actually come off. She also went on to tell me that plenty of women who weren't even pregnant got rings stuck on their fingers...which actually made me feel better.
I'm thankful I still fit in size medium maternity jeans :) I now own a stunning new pair.
I'm thankful that my kids at school feel like it is appropriate to hug me at any point in the day...I had two just come up and give me random hugs today when I was CLEARLY in the middle of teaching a small group and later when I was organizing a bunch of spirals. I'm glad they feel like they can approach me. I also appreciate the fact that one kiddo not only gives me her "good afternoon" hug, but also feels the need to pat Creighton...i.e. my belly, every day. (I think she's got some Borrego in her!)
I'm thankful that after a long day at work I got to come home to Brian putting the finishing touches on the dinner he made for us because he has decided that I would probably prefer not to cook dinner at the end of the day when I am feeling tired and rather large. I'm thankful that we get to laugh together again. It really hasn't been that long since we just couldn't. A year has gone by quickly.
I'm thankful that I accomplished a quilting goal. I set out to do finish a baby quilt for a friend and I got it done in the time frame I specified. I just set small goals and met them! Yay! I'm going to have to apply this small goal setting thing again in other areas of my life!
I'm thankful my dad still calls just to check in and "see how I'm doing" every week. I appreicate that he can get excited with me over whatever it is I'm excited about! I want to be like that with my own kids!
I'm thankful that Daisy was the sweet, kind, and even CALM dog that I know she can be from the moment I got home today to the present. She's adorable!
I'm thankful that I get to carry Creighton right now and will experience the gift of having him someday soon! It’s so amazing when he rolls over, sticks an arm or a leg out actually moving my stomach, or even pokes me in the ribs because there is this real little life inside of me!
I'm thankful for my good friends who care and for the richness and depth they add to my life. I'm thankful for their realness and our inside jokes!
I'm thankful that when I finish this blog and finally tiptoe to bed, that Brian will roll over and wake up just enough to put his arm around me so we can fall asleep together.
I'm just really thankful!
Four Patch Quilt in a Day! Plus Quilting with Stencils
11 months ago
you are so sweet little friend - i can't wait to see you and enjoy breakfast or pho or tea. xoxo
There's something about a size Medium that always makes you feel good :) You made me laugh about the ring, too funy!
Glad you're feeling nice and full of thanks right now!
And I taught kinder for two days this week...why do they huge me when I'm standing up and teaching/giving them instructions? I just gave them a little pat-pat and told them thank you, go sit down.
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